Shin Ohtake
Creator of Max Workouts
Let’s start with working your abs the right way…
You may think that abs are made to crunch, twist, and bend, but in reality it’s the complete opposite.
The role of your ab muscles is to prevent your mid-section from crunching, twisting, and bending.
You see, abs are anatomically designed to provide a stabilizing force to resist movement and protect your spine.
So even though you “feel the burn” when you do ab targeted exercises, all you’re really doing is putting unnecessary pressure on your spine, making you more prone to low-back injuries.
So how should you “work” your abs the right way…? By stimulating all of your 6 of your ab muscles at the same time.
Your abs are made up of 6 different muscles and each functions differently… so the best way to “stimulate” all 6 of your ab muscles is by performing “functional ab movements” such as the Plank.
The plank is one of many “functional ab movements” that work you abs the “right way” by stimulating all 6 of your ab muscles. I’ll show you even more effective “functional ab movements” at the end of the article, but next…
I’ll reveal you the best way to target fat cells that accumulate in and around your stomach, so you can shed off the belly fat and reveal toned flat abs…