Shin Ohtake
Shin Ohtake

Creator of Max Workouts

man and woman doing planks
man and woman doing planks
man and woman doing planks

Step 2: Maximize Overall Muscular Strength

Did you know that for every pound of muscle you add to your body, your body uses up to 50 more calories a day while at rest?

Replace the fat taking up space on your arms, under your chin, and on your belly with lean, well-defined leg muscles, core, back, and arm strength and you can burn extra fat just sitting around.

Crunch the numbers quickly:

Add just 2 pounds of muscle to your body and you’ll burn an additional 700 calories a week just sitting around.

That’s nearly 12 pounds of fat per year lost by only changing your body composition.

The best part?

It only takes 20 minutes a day, just a few minutes per week to add that muscle (and melt away more stubborn fat at the same time!).

Click below to see Step 3 and I’ll show you how…

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