Shin Ohtake
Creator of Max Workouts
Tip 1: Reset Your Metabolism To Burn More Calories… Even At Rest
Getting lean and ripped stomach isn’t as hard as you might think, once you know what (and what not) to do.
So here are my top three simple, yet insanely effective strategies to getting you lean, flat abs… #3 is my favorite. If you actually implement these tips, I think you’ll be very surprised at how quickly your belly fat disappears, finally revealing your abs that’s been hiding underneath your belly fat all this time.
Alright, let’s get to it…
Tip 1: Reset Your Metabolism To Burn More Calories… Even At Rest
Total Energy Expenditure (TEE) is your greatest ally against belly fat. The more energy your body expends during the day the more fat you’ll be able to burn off… even at rest.
See, people think calorie burning only occurs during exercise. It’s not true. Your body burns calories all day long. You just have to increase the amount of calories your body burns throughout the day. And there are many ways to do that…
For instance did you know that eating protein increases your metabolism? Yep, protein takes more energy to to digest than any other types of food. So eating a diet relatively high in protein can help give your metabolism an extra boost to help burn more calories.
That’s just one small example… and I’ll show you ways to really crank up your metabolism at the end of this article!
But first, let’s move onto to Tip #2