Exercise that was once considered the most effective way to look younger, get leaner and more fit…now linked to accelerated aging, inflammation and chronic age-related diseases. (Plus, what you can do instead to slow the aging process down to a crawl — so you can burn off age-related weight..and look and feel YEARS younger!)

Shin Ohtake
Creator of Max Workouts
There’s a scientifically proven difference between chronological age and biological age. This means you can be 50 years old and biologically – at a cellular level – have the body of a 40 year old. I’m sure you’ve met someone that not only looks years younger, but has boundless energy and stamina. I’m sure you’ve seen the opposite as well – someone who looks and acts much too OLD for their actual age.
So what’s the deal?
Is it genetics?
I know that sounds like the most reasonable answer. But genetics have very little to do with how fast or slow you age.
Believe it or not, YOU have way more control over the aging process than you think.
Seriously, it’s not science fiction…you CAN slow you gaining process, BUT only if you know what do to…
…and NO, I’m not talking about having to take anti-aging pills or hormone supplements. Nope. This is much safer, much more effective, and proven to work. It’s something you can do on your own.
There are countless men and women who have cracked the code on aging and have quite literally scientifically SLOWED their biological clock to a crawl. And I’ll show you all of the effective anti-aging tips and tricks in just a minute, but before I do, let’s look at what happens as you age (so you understand WHY the exercise mistakes and anti-age tips I’m about to show you work):
Your metabolism slows down to a snail’s pace as you age. This makes burning fat and losing weight next to impossible.
The hormones responsible for all of your youth-like qualities – healthy skin tone, strong lean muscle, robust energy, sex drive, and more – these hormones start declining more and more each year.
If you’re not proactive, your youth enhancing hormone levels may drop so low that there is no turning back.
Aging makes your bones weaker and more brittle.
It’s not just your physical qualities that are negatively affected by biological aging. Your brain suffers as well – memory, problem solving ability, decision making…they all start to decline and worsen each year.
And the real kicker: After 40, your biological age starts to speed up and age FASTER than your chronological age! In fact, for every year that passes you can age up to 6 months extra.
I know you want me to “get to the point” and just show you which 3 exercises to avoid, but you need to understand the reality of aging first: The primary reason you need to avoid the exercises I’m about to show you is because they are chronic chronological age accelerators.
These are the harsh facts, but it is the truth.
Because your biological age can accelerate at a pace of up to 6 months faster than chronological age, your body can be 43 as early as your 42nd birthday. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but for someone like me (turning 48 this year—it could mean having the body of a 52-year-old 4 years too soon).
Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way.
Here’s what I want to show you and what you can expect if you follow some of my anti-aging strategies:
You’ll learn which exercises accelerate your biological age and speed up the aging process – make sure you avoid these exercises.
You’ll re-ignite your metabolism, reprogramming your body so you can start burning fat right away.
You’ll reboot your endocrine system and experience a resurgence of youth hormones so you’ll have infinitely more energy (and speed up your metabolism so you can replace flab with lean, strong muscle).
You’ll fortify your body by regaining bone density and building a strong foundation (some exercises I’m about to show you only make bone density issues worse).
You’ll dramatically decelerate your body’s aging process. This means your biological age will age slower than your chronological age. You’ll look and feel younger instead of get older too soon.
…I need to warn you:
What you are going to read next is going to go against everything you’ve ever heard before. But that’s because very few people actually know how to slow their aging process and very few people realize that chronological age and biological age are two different things.
Now, here are the 3 WORST mistakes you must AVOID if you want to slow the aging process and increase your metabolism to burn fat, boost youth hormone levels, having more energy & stamina, and build a lean, strong, healthy body:
1. Cardio

Too many people think that cardio is the answer to everything related to weight-loss and fat-loss. Yes, cardio can be helpful I done properly. I will show you how to do cardio properly in just a minute.
Cardio does nothing to slow the aging process. In fact, it does the exact opposite!
Cardio increases the aging process by breaking down muscle and increasing the production of free radicals. Long, steady-state cardio – the kind most recommended for weight loss – also decreases the production of youth enhancing hormones, slowing down your metabolism.
That’s not the worst part! Studies in the Journal of Applied Physiology and the European Heart Journal both show that cardio may also be associated with myocardial fibrosis. That’s thickening of heart valves. So if you’re concerned about heart health? Cardio isn’t the answer either.
And just for the record: No, I’ve “never seen a fat marathon runner” either. But, in my practice as a chiropractor, I did see many actually unhealthy runners. And I’ve seen plenty of runners who look a lot older than they actually are.
There’s a faster, more effective way to get lean and improve cardiovascular health and take off fat. It takes only 1/3 the time of a conventional cardio workout AND it also triggers the release of youth enhancing hormones (instead of those nasty free radicals that age you faster).