Exercise styles some say are the best ways to stay young and get lean…are actually linked to accelerated aging, inflammation and more! (Plus, learn what to do instead to help slow the aging process to a crawl — melting off age-related weight, looking and feeling YEARS younger!)

Shin Ohtake
Creator of Max Workouts
There’s a scientifically proven difference between chronological age and biological age. This means you can be 50 years old and biologically – at a cellular level – have the body of a 40 year old (or younger).
I know you want me to “get to the point” and just show you which 3 exercises to avoid…
...but you need to understand the reality of aging before you’ll know why these exercises are simply a waste of time:
The primary reason to AVOID these exercises is because they do little to slow “biological age.”
(In some cases, they act as potent age accelerators!)
How old our bodies function is called “biological age.”
Biological age is different from calendar age (that’s the age we are based on our birthday).You can’t slow calendar age. Time will pass. But biological age is different for everyone based on how our bodies function.
It is vital to slow biological age because of how quickly it speeds up as years pass by. Hormone signals are the ONLY way our bodies know how old we are. Hormones are the only “calendar” your body has to tell it how old or young to function at a biological level.
Some types of exercise stimulate the release of youth hormones and help slow down the aging process. Other types of exercise work in reverse (or don’t produce a noticeable change in youth hormone levels at all).
Because biological age can accelerate at a pace of up to 6 months faster PER YEAR than chronological age, our bodies can function like they are 43 as early as our 42nd birthday. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but for someone like me who is turning 48 this year…
...this can mean having the body of a 52-year-old 4 years too soon!
This is why I think ANY exercise that doesn’t boost youth hormones and slow biological age is a waste of time for women over 40.
In just a minute, I’m going to show you exercises that slows biological aging to a crawl. PLUS, I’ll explain 6 common workout mistakes that leave you flabby, weak, and injury prone instead of lean and fit.
But first…
…I need to warn you:
What you are going to read next is going to go against everything you’ve ever heard before. But that’s because very few people actually know how to slow their aging process and very few people realize that chronological age and biological age are two different things.
Now, here are the 3 WORST mistakes you must AVOID if you want to slow the aging process and increase your metabolism to burn fat, boost youth hormone levels, having more energy & stamina, and build a lean, strong, healthy body:
1. Cardio

Too many people think that cardio is the answer to everything related to weight-loss and fat-loss. Yes, cardio can be helpful I done properly. I will show you how to do cardio properly in just a minute.
Cardio does nothing to slow the aging process. In fact, it does the exact opposite!
Cardio increases the aging process by breaking down muscle and increasing the production of free radicals. Long, steady-state cardio – the kind most recommended for weight loss – also decreases the production of youth enhancing hormones, slowing down your metabolism.
That’s not the worst part! Studies in the Journal of Applied Physiology and the European Heart Journal both show that cardio may also be associated with myocardial fibrosis. That’s thickening of heart valves. So if you’re concerned about heart health? Cardio isn’t the answer either.
And just for the record: No, I’ve “never seen a fat marathon runner” either. But, in my practice as a chiropractor, I did see many actually unhealthy runners. And I’ve seen plenty of runners who look a lot older than they actually are.
There’s a faster, more effective way to get lean and improve cardiovascular health and take off fat. It takes only 1/3 the time of a conventional cardio workout AND it also triggers the release of youth enhancing hormones (instead of those nasty free radicals that age you faster!