Worst Exercise Mistakes That Ruin Your Body...

Shin Ohtake
Creator of Max Workouts
Have you ever wondered why you pretty much look the same as you did a few months back... even though you've been diligently going to the gym and busting your butt...?
This may come as a complete shock but most workouts are NOT effective at burning fat and getting you lean… especially after the age of 35. In fact, it can often do the exact opposite and cause you to gain fat… especially around your belly, making you look soft, flabby and shapeless.
And if that wasn’t bad enough did you know that doing MORE only makes things worse? By that I mean exercising more than you are now and being even more strict with your diet… only adds to your frustrations!
The reason for all this can be blamed on your diminishing levels of youth-enhancing hormones… particularly growth hormones. And unfortunately it’s largely a natural process that occurs as you age.
A gradual and progressive hormonal decline that usually begins around middle age and continues insidiously for the rest of your life, which is why it’s sometimes referred to as the “middle-age spread”.
And some of the most annoying symptoms of the middle-age spread is an increase in belly fat and the loss of lean muscle tone that results in a dumpy, middle-age body. It’s no coincidence that most people over 40 stop wearing form fitting clothes.
Now you may not be able to stop aging yet, but you can slow the aging process and actually REVERSE the effects of the middle-age spread. And I’m not talking about having to take anti-aging pills or some shady hormone supplements. Nope. It’s much safer and more effective.
Research has discovered that your body has the innate ability to boost lagging youth-enhancing hormones naturally… at any age!
And it all begins by applying 3 KEY principles in order to regain control of your body’s hormones to slow the aging process and stop the middle-age spread dead in it’s tracks.
Now I need to warn you… what you’re about to read is most likely going to go against all of the advice you’ve been told before, but that’s because very few know how to re-stimulate struggling hormones in order to effectively slow the aging process and burn off stubborn body fat.
These next steps will reveal the 3 things you MUST AVOID if you want to burn off unwanted middle-age stomach fat, regain youthful muscle tone and get a lean, fit body…
1. Doing Too Much…

When it comes to optimizing your hormones through exercise, less is more.
Research shows that doing short bursts of exercise boosts fat burning and youth-enhancing hormones without any negative side effects like inflammation that ages your body and production of stress hormones cause you to gain stubborn belly fat. Low grade chronic inflammation, which cause your body to deteriorate and your cells to age faster… can be triggered by doing long and arduous exercises. Even an hour of constant exercising at moderate to hard intensity can induce inflammation in your body. And it’s even worse when it comes to stress hormones. These nasty fat storing hormones are easily activated and can quickly start adding body fat.
That said, it’s important to keep in mind that less is only effective if you know what to do instead… which you’ll learn in just a minute. BUT the most important concept to understand is that burning fat and activating the right hormones is not dependent on time. This is one situation where the “10,000 hour rule” does not apply. Building a healthy, lean and youthful body isn’t like developing a skill… repetition is not your key to success. Your body is an intricate and complex system that requires you to really understand how your body works, if you want to get effective results.
2. Too Hard, For Too Long…

Intensity is what drives your body to produce hormones but…
Pushing your body too hard for too long actually makes things worse by producing too much stress hormones that promote fat gain along with a host of other negative effects. It’s only when you workout with the right intensity for the right duration that you’ll be able to maximize the production of fat-burning and youthful hormones.
If you want to maximize intensity for your benefit, there are 3 variables that need to be carefully balanced out… effort, duration and rest. Effort - how much are you pushing yourself. Duration - how long are you pushing yourself. Rest - How long do you rest between bouts of effort. The right combination of these variables is what you need in order to maximize your fat burning hormones while keeping stress inducing hormones at bay, so you can achieve your best result in the fastest time possible.
3. Not Enough Lifting…

Building lean muscle burns fat and keeps you young…
The more lean muscles you have the more fat you’ll burn… and it boosts your ability to re-stimulate lagging hormones. And by far, the best way to build lean muscles is by lifting challenging weights. Although some bodyweight exercises are also effective, nothing beats lifting challenging weights. That’s the key to building muscle… there needs to be enough resistance to challenge your muscles.
That said, you can’t just do any old weight lifting exercises… the type of exercise matters! Isolated exercises like bicep curls and tricep extensions don’t provide your body enough stimulus to produce significant amounts of fat-burning or youth-enhancing hormones. You need to perform exercises that stimulate multiple large muscles groups at once… and I’ll show you how on the next page…
But I need to warn you this method I’m about to show you is NOT for everyone!
For instance…
If you enjoy spending hours working out, socializing with other gym rats… this is NOT for you.
If you THINK you can run, cycle or do other forms of cardio for hours to burn off belly fat… this is NOT for you.
If you’re looking for an easy pill in a bottle solution… this is NOT for you.
If you’re not willing to workout hard for a VERY short period of time to get the best result possible… this is NOT for you.
Here’s the truth… the KEY to this scientifically-proven method is based on doing specific exercises performed at high intensity for a VERY short duration.
Your result is intensity dependent… not time dependent. So you’ve got to be willing to give it your best effort . But if you are, you will reap the rewards of a leaner, fitter and more youthful body.
Most people are simply unaware that your body has an amazing potential to burn off fat, slow down aging and stop the middle-age spread on it’s own. Your body is already equipped with the essential hormones to make this work, you just need to know how. So if you’re ready to get started, I’ll show you the specifics behind this super effective anti-aging and fat-burning method on the next page.
Men >> Click Here and I’ll Show You How. →
Women >> Click Here and I’ll Show You How. →
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