10 Reasons to Stay Away from GMO Foods

Shin Ohtake
Fitness & Fat-Loss Coach
Here are 10 reasons why you should avoid GMOs:
GMOs can cause significant health problems. Even though additional research is needed, early research shows that GMOs might cause infertility, premature aging, hinder your immune system making you more prone to illness, gastrointestinal problems that can lead to serious health complications like auto-immune disorders, and it can cause organ damage.
Increased herbicides are used with GMOs. Because these foods are genetically modified to be tolerant of herbicides, farmers use more herbicides to kill the weeds. These toxic substances are passed onto to you (end consumer) which wreak havoc in your body.
The environment is harmed by GMOs. When GMOs are farmed, the modified seeds and the herbicides can damage many aspects of the environment, including soil organisms, marine ecosystems, amphibians, insects, and birds. And there are many other unmeasured negative environmental effects that are occurring from GMO crops.
GMOs do not help with world hunger problems. Contrary to popular belief, it was shown that GMOs do not increase yields, which means that they are not beneficial to help feed developing countries suffering from lack of food. In fact, it has been found that regular crops using non-GMO methods have higher yields, as much as 79% more.
Political lobbying is more powerful than long-term safety. Because of heavy political lobbying that is driven by large amounts of money, the business of agriculture and food is now controlled by large companies. The FDA doesn’t require any safety studies for GMOs, and there are only superficial regulations in this industry. The bottom line, you can pretty much assume that if the product is not labelled “organic” you can assume it is GMO.
Media and independent research is prevented from telling the truth. Any time the media or an independent researcher attempts to talk about the negative effects of GMOs, they are stopped with force. There real stories are censored and researchers trying to share their negative findings have been denied funding, threatened, fired, and even physically attacked…not an exaggeration! Thanks to the internet, there are ways to find out the truth about GMOs!
Dangerous side effects are emerging from genetic engineering. Although it’s impossible to predict the side effects from altering genes, studies are now showing scary side effect such as nutritional deficiencies, carcinogens, new allergies and toxins.
GMOs contaminate the earth. When a field is farmed with genetically modified seeds, those seeds can travel and cross pollinate with other plants. This cross causes gene pool contamination, and can have an impact for many generations. This threatens your right to consume non-GMO foods!
Buying GMOs increases the problems. As a consumer, you can “vote” with your money by purchasing products that you want to support. If everyone stopped buying GMO foods, then farmers (who are often controlled by Big Pharma) would no longer need to produce them. It always comes down to the bottom line…profit. It’s a multibillion dollar industry, but we all have the power to make a big impact. So choose your food wisely when you shop. One way we can make an impact is by shopping at your local organic farmers market and support the local farms and not the conglomerates.
GMOs are infiltrating all types of food. Even if you choose to avoid genetically modified ingredients in the produce section, keep in mind that GMOs go far beyond just produce. It impacts other departments at your grocery store as well. Most dairy, eggs, and meat products come from chickens and cows that are fed genetically modified feed. The more GMOs are produced, the more they will spread to every area of the food industry.
As you can see, there are many ways that GMOs are impacting your daily life. If you weren’t aware of it, don’t worry it’s not your fault. That’s part of the plan… to make sure that people are kept in the dark. The good thing is (…now you know) and you can make a big difference by sharing this information with your family and friends, and by choosing to only purchase items that are produced with non-GMO ingredients.
To find out more information about GMO health risks, check out The Institute for Responsible Technology. They’ve been taking a stand against Big Pharma and their GMO initiative for the past 10 years.