7 Ways to Improve Your Memory

Shin Ohtake
Fitness & Fat-Loss Coach
Have you ever noticed that some people are able to maintain their mental sharpness much better than others? Have you ever wondered why?
Well, more than likely these people are doing a multitude of things that help enhance their brain health. Now, it may be odd to hear the words “brain” and “health” coupled together, but your brain is like any other body part. It requires proper nutrients and exercise to maintain it’s optimum cognitive function - thinking power.
Here are the top 7 ways to improve your brain health, so you can keep your mind sharp at any age.
Exercise isn’t just good for your body…it’s been shown to be beneficial for your mind as well. In a recent study at the University of Texas-Dallas, researchers discovered that when older people exercised, they experienced improvements in cognition and memory within about six weeks.
A healthy diet is another element that can help to improve both your physical and mental health at the same time. When you eat nutrient dense foods, such as dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, chard, arugula and other types of cruciferous vegetables, you’re getting unique health enhancing compounds - specifically sulfur-containing compounds. They provide anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunologic effects that help fight disease, as well as mental & physical aging. The phytochemicals found in some of these vegetables may also help reverse memory loss.
Drinking caffeine has been associated with boosting memory as well. At John Hopkins University, researchers studied a group of people who had been given a caffeine pill, and it was found that they performed better on memory tests compared with the control group who received a placebo (non-caffeine pill). My caffeine of choice is coffee… there’s nothing better than a cup of Americano in the morning to get your mind alert and ready for the day. Plus, several studies have shown that regular coffee consumption improves cognitive function…especially in the elderly.
Switching your routine might throw you off your daily groove, but it’s been found that changing your routine can be an effective way to improve memory. When you’re doing the same thing day in and day out, you fall into a comfortable no-brainer routine that requires very little of your brain power. But changing things up forces you to get into unfamiliar situations that require more cognitive attention. Anytime you’re in a new situation, your brain makes the assumption that the information will be important, so your brain naturally focuses better and it programs your mind to hold onto details more effectively. Variety is the spice of life and it’s also the key to improved memory.
This may sound a little strange, but napping is an effective way to improve your memory. There is a reason that a mid-day nap is often referred to as a “power” nap. At Harvard University, researchers found that students were able to retain information more effectively when they took a short “power” nap after studying. According to the study, sleeping allows the mind to consolidate and process information and memories while your body is resting. So next time you feel like taking a nap, don’t feel guilty. Just make sure that you keep it short 10 - 20 minutes between 1 - 3 pm is ideal, If you nap much longer then 30 minutes you’ll wake feeling groggy and more tired.
Decreasing alcohol consumption can be a good way to protect your memory. It’s been found that middle-aged men who drank on a daily basis (at least 2 and a half drinks), had memory loss earlier in life. This isn’t surprising considering that alcohol impedes your brain’s communication pathways. Plus, regular consumption of alcohol can make you more susceptible to heart disease, inflammation of your liver and pancreas, weaker immune system and even cancer. So if you want to keep your brain functioning optimally for a long time, it’s best to keep your alcohol intake to a minimum.
Live in the moment. This can be much easier said than done, but it’s an effective method to help you retain more information. Try and maintain your focus on the present moment without getting side tracked or distracted. Simple meditation techniques such as sitting in a relaxed position and being mindful of your breathing can be an effective way to calm your mind and improve memory and retention. Keep in mind that your brain needs rest as well. Even though your body can get some rest during sleep, your mind rarely gets enough rest. It’s difficult to shut your mind off. This is why participating in a daily practice of calming your mind through meditation allows your brain to get more rest, so it can function better.
As you can see, most of these tips are simple and easy to implement. But the key is apply these tips on a regular basis. You need to exercise on a regular basis if you want to get in better shape… well the same principles apply when you want to enhance your brain health and improve your memory. Exercise for your body and mind, eat well for your body and mind, rest well for your body and mind. Rinse and repeat.