Should You Check Your Diet for “Wrong Time Eating?”

Shin Ohtake
Fitness & Fat-Loss Coach
Researchers are now suggesting that wrong time eating (even when you are on a calorie restricted diet already) could keep stubborn fat from falling off.
A recent study, published in the academic journal Cell Metabolism and based on research conducted at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center determined the time of day food is eaten is more important than the number of calories consumed.
The study at UT Southwestern Medical Center was set up to determine how calorie restriction leads to longevity (important because there is a clear link between living longer and eating less regardless of weight).
Could this be the reason diets don’t “work” for so many people?
Weight Gain, Even on a Calorie-Restricted Diet?
In an interview published this month, Chairman of Neuroscience at UT Southwestern Dr. Joseph S. Takahsahi said:
“...these studies suggest that dieting will only be effective if calories are consumed during the daytime when we are awake and active. They further suggest that eating at the wrong time at night will not lead to weight loss even when dieting…”]
Now, when I created MAX Workouts, I thought that “night eating” and “meal timing” were just “fads” that would come and go just like all of the other diet nonsense you see.
Most diet experts will tell you that “a calorie is a calorie,” but this study may be changing things!
You take calories in, then you have to burn those calories to lose weight.
All the weight loss diets you’ve tried (and most weight loss workout programs) are based around the calorie deficit principle:
Calories are the fuel your body uses, extra “fuel” you take in is stored as fat, and to lose weight, you have to expend more calories than you take in.
But this recent study throws something new into the mix. There might be something to the “night eating” or “calorie timing” concept.
What Dr. Takahashi and his colleagues are suggesting is that you can eat less and NOT lose weight if you eat at the WRONG TIME!
What Should You Do About Calorie Timing?
If your goal is to lose weight and you’re already using MAX Workouts, my suggestion is to do nothing.
Here’s why:
This study suggests that when you eat matters just as much as how much you eat when it comes to losing weight. What it lacks are real world case-study results and a set of guidelines you can follow to make the most of your diet.
The best solution is this:
Stop Worrying About Calorie Timing, Start Burning More Calories All the Time!
MAX Workouts are designed to help you burn more calories all of the time—at rest—using a scientific principle called EPOC or (Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption). You’ve heard it called afterburn.
If you’re interested in how EPOC works, you can click here to learn more.
Think about EPOC like the engine in your car:
When you drive your car, the engine heats up. After you stop driving, it takes time for the engine to cool down again. It stays warm.
The same thing happens inside your body after you exercise.
After a workout is over, the metabolic processes you’ve activated to burn energy (calories = energy) don’t just stop.
Your body keeps burning calories (using energy) at a HIGHER LEVEL after your workout is over. That’s EPOC.
MAX Workouts Trigger EPOC (So Your Body Burns Calories Long After Your Workout is Over)
If there is a way around this calorie timing puzzle (that even scientists don’t have completely figured out yet), EPOC is it!
Using EPOC-triggering MAX Workouts, you can melt away calories—and with them stubborn fat—for up to 48 hours after your workout is over!
You can read more about the study on the UT Southwestern Website by clicking here.
Click here for the link to the abstract of the study in Cell Metabolism.
If you don’t already have access to MAX Workouts, you can click below to learn more.