Are Your Shoes Causing You Injuries?

Shin Ohtake
Fitness & Fat-Loss Coach
Nowadays every possible technology you can think of is being implemented into the shoes…heck with all of the money being spent on R&D, you’d think they’d be able to make shoes with wings so you can fly!
Unfortunately, most of the new technologies are more about hype and marketing gimmick then anything that’s actually useful or beneficial.
In fact, the latest research done on runners wearing the latest technologically advanced shoes, is that it actually puts more stress on your leg joints including your hips, knees and ankles than walking in a pair of high heels! Can you imagine that?
The truth is you don’t need to get caught up in the hype and pay hundreds of dollars for a pair of athletic shoes that may look nice, but can actually harm you. There’s a much better solution that’ll save you a lot of money while improving your athletic performance and keep you injury free. Check out the full story below.
Quoted from
In a study published in the December 2009 issue of PM&R: The journal of injury, function and rehabilitation, researchers compared the effects on knee, hip and ankle joint motions of running barefoot versus running in modern running shoes. They concluded that running shoes exerted more stress on these joints compared to running barefoot or walking in high-heeled shoes
It’s quite interesting to note that the more we spend on achieving comfort the less it seems to be good for our bodies. Ultimate comfort and luxury convenience is the pinnacle of our modern society and it’s also the down fall of human functionality. It’s a sad irony, but true.
I think instinctively, humans are lazy. We constantly try to find ways to do things faster, more efficiently and with less work. And although that drive has accelerated human advancement, it’s come with a price…the loss of our basic human functional movements.
But not all is lost…yet! In fact, getting your functionality back isn’t hard. A great place to start is by getting rid of your expensive multi-colored logo flashing, gadget filled running shoes (or at least put them in your closet for the time being) and instead opt for a pair of simple flat shoes, with no frills but just a good fit.
In fact it doesn’t even have to be running shoes. Any shoes that’s light, has thin flat soles and fits your feet well should do.
A good tip: The more it resembles being barefoot the better.
I wrote an article, not too long ago about the benefits of running barefoot. The entire concept is based on the fact that we evolved by running barefooted, so our anatomy (bone and muscle) developed in such a way that we’re actually best suited to run barefooted. And now a recent study by Dr. Casey Kerrigan, MD. (JKM Technologies LLC) further strengthens that point.
When you run without any support under your feet, you automatically change the way your run. Since you don’t have the cushion under your heels anymore, it forces you to run on your forefoot…which is actually the way we’re supposed to run! (Check out my video on how to run on your forefoot)
But don’t worry if you can’t do it, or you’re worried that it’s too extreme of a change to go from running with shoes to running barefoot. The real important part is isn’t about running, but about starting to use your feet again.
Just by taking your shoes off and walking barefoot in your house, you’re already re-awakening your feet. There are more than 100 intrinsic muscles, tendons and ligaments that support all 26 bones and 33 joints that make up your feet.
Even though your foot muscles are small, they play a vital role in maintaining proper postural alignment, body balance, body mechanics and even weight distribution. And the 200,000 plus nerve endings located in your foot allows active stimulation of proprioception and acute awareness that enhance all human movements.
Many of the strongest power lifters in the world lift barefooted or with just a pair of thin flat soled shoes. They feel it helps them generate more power and stability from being able to feel and grip the floor when they pull 700 lbs off the floor!
It’s just another point, that conscious movement is initiated from your feet and without it you’re functionality is altered. Strengthen your feet and you’ll move better, prevent injuries, be stronger and enhance your overall fitness level.
Here’s a few simple ways to help you strengthen your feet:
Take your shoes off as often as possible
Walk around your house without shoes
Workout** without shoes or with thin flat soled shoes
Run barefooted or with thin flat soled shoes as often as possible
Walk outside with thin soled shoes and be conscious of how you walk and what’s underneath your feet
**If you workout without shoes or with a pair of thin soled shoes, makes sure to perform functional full body exercises so you can take complete advantage of strengthening your feet to increase your proprioception, balance, postural alignment and athletic performance.
Compare the way you feel when wearing thick soled shoes vs. thin soled shoes (or barefoot)?
Do you think comfort has any place in the world of functionality?
P.S. If you’re unfamiliar with full body exercises, you can check out my Max Workouts program. It has over 40 full body functional exercises (all with pictures and detailed instructions) programmed into short, but high intensity workouts to help you maximize your calorie burning potential and get you strong, lean and fit.
I’d love to hear what you think. Share your thoughts and leave your comments below!