Boost Your Immunity with Garlic

Shin Ohtake
Fitness & Fat-Loss Coach
Certain herbs and spices have very powerful immune boosting benefits, and garlic is one of the tastiest and most beneficial foods that you can eat.
Allicin is a sulfur compound found in garlic that has been linked with the many health benefits. The distinct smell of garlic comes from the allicin within each garlic clove, and it is moved from the digestive tract into other areas of the body. When allicin is present, you can benefit from some of the biological effects from this compound.
Health Benefits of Garlic
Here are a few of the amazing health benefits that you can gain from eating garlic:
Garlic might help to fight against certain strains of bacteria that are resistant to medications. It contains natural antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties that can be very beneficial to prevent disease and illness.
Regular consumption of garlic has been shown to reduce your risk of heart disease, including both stroke and heart attack. Another benefit for your heart is that garlic helps to reduce blood pressure, and it has been found to be as effective as prescription medication for blood pressure treatment. It’s also beneficial to improve cholesterol levels.
Strengthen your bones by eating garlic regularly. Preliminary studies have found that garlic might help to balance hormone levels which are directly related to bone loss. When the hormones are balanced, then it is less likely that you will suffer from osteoarthritis.
Because of the low calorie count and high nutrient levels, garlic can be a great way to flavor your food without gaining weight. Instead of using fattening condiments and unhealthy ingredients, try using garlic as a natural flavor enhancer instead.
Garlic may be beneficial to boost athletic performance, because it helps to reduce fatigue levels and improve exercise capabilities.
If you have the common cold, use garlic as a supplement to boost your immune system and overcome the sickness. A research study found that the occurrence of the common cold can decrease by as much as 63% when garlic is being used daily. It also helps to drastically reduce the time that it takes to recover from a cold after you have become ill.
You can protect your mental health by using garlic every day. Mental problems such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease have been associated with free radicals that cause oxidative damage, and the high levels of antioxidants in garlic may be beneficial to reduce the free radical activity in your brain.
The natural detoxification benefits of garlic can help to remove heavy metals from your body, which in turn helps to prevent heavy metal toxicity that causes organ damage.
Cautions About Garlic
As with any type of dietary change or supplementation, it is best to talk with your doctor about your personal situation. Even though bad breath is usually the only negative side effect from garlic, there is a possibility of other more severe side effects. For example, some people are allergic to garlic, and might experience an allergic reaction each time they eat it.
If you are taking any type of medication that acts as a blood thinner, or if you have any type of bleeding disorder, then it is best to have a discussion with your doctor about the way the garlic might impact your blood health.
On a personal note, I’ve had severe stomach problems (gas, bloating, stomach pain) in the past when eating too much raw garlic. So if you’re thinking about eating raw garlic, just be mindful mod how much you’re eating.
Maximizing the Benefits of Garlic
Keep in mind that the most beneficial way to consume garlic is to eat it raw, because some of the nutritional benefits are decreased after it is cooked. Many meals include cooked garlic, but if you are looking for the therapeutic benefits, then you might consider adding raw garlic into your daily routine.
If you want to boost the health benefits of garlic, then you should crush the garlic before eating it. When the raw garlic clove is crushed or cleaved, the allicin compound is activated so that you can receive the health benefits. The easiest way to prepare the raw garlic is by using a garlic press to crush the clove, and mix it with other herbs and extra virgin olive oil to make a tasty salad dressing.
Another proven way to boost your immune response is through physical stress from exercising. Although too much exercise can lower your immune response, providing your body with just the right amount of physical stress can greatly help boost your immune system. Studies have shown that providing your body with brief but challenging stimulus can really enhance your immune response. If you’re used to doing long drawn out activity like running, cycling for a few hours of more at a time, just be aware NOT to wear yourself out. Doing long repetitive activities can also set you up for chronic joint inflammation which will also contribute to lowering your immune system as well.