Do You Know That You Are Eating Genetically Modified Foods?

Shin Ohtake
Fitness & Fat-Loss Coach
So what does this mean to you? It means, that there is a strong likelihood that traces of harmful chemicals being utilized on these GM crops have infiltrated your body because almost every processed and packaged foods have at least one or more GM products in them.
Keep reading to find out what GM products you may be eating and how it affects your health. I’ll also show you how to avoid GM products to ensure that you keep consuming “real” natural foods that are beneficial to your health rather than harmful.
Check out your cupboard and take out a few boxes and cans of food and look at the ingredients on the labels. You’ll probably see at least one or more of the genetically modified products listed below on the label:
Cornstarch, corn oil, canola oil, cotton seed / vegetable oil in processed foods like potato chips, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, papaya in fruit juices, some zucchini (yellow crooked neck and straight neck squash), all eggs, milk and meat in processed foods, milk powder, various frozen desserts with dairy, soy oil, soy protein, soy lecithin (used in all chocolate bars), tofu, soy beverages, and various other soy products.
And these are just a few of the more common ones. There are probably many more that you and I have no idea about. It’s amazing that we all consume GM foods, but very few of us are aware of it. And worse yet, there’s even fewer of us that know how it can negatively affect your body.
In the past, farmers have always cross bred through traditional breeding methods that rely on reproductive systems of plants and animal themselves. But now scientists at huge seed companies like Monsanto are able to directly move genes from one species to another or from one kingdom to another. This is a first. It’s known as crossing the species barrier. They are now able to take a specific gene from a fish and combine it into a plant. Sounds like a storyline from the X-Files…but it’s true and the scary part is that we’re all affected by it.
This brings me to Monsanto, the largest and most powerful agrochemical company in America. It’s also the largest seed company in the world and owns approximately 86% of all genetically modified seeds sown across the world. It also happens to be the 5th largest pesticide company…and wouldn’t you know it…all of the Monsanto genetically modified seeds are either herbicide resistant, insect resistance or virus resistant. This means that all of the products mentioned above have been genetically altered in such a way that deadly toxins can’t kill it, natural viruses can’t affect it and insects die if they eat it….but apparently it’s safe for us to consume it…???
Here’s an another eye opening fact. Monsanto (5th largest pesticide company) has joined forces with Dow AgroSciences (4th largest pesticide company) and have developed what is known as the “Smart Stax” corn. Each company contributed four patented genetically modified traits and has produced a corn that has six different insect resistant traits and two herbicide-tolerant traits. They’ve cross bred different genetically modified corn plants that have different genetically modified traits - essentially “stacking” various different traits into one product.
It’s a little like building a lego building with various sizes, shapes and colors…only, we’re not talking about an inanimate object like lego here, we’re dealing with genes. Look, don’t get me wrong, I’m all about advancing science, but combining genes and producing these super foods can have adverse effects on our health.
Michael Hansen, a senior scientist with Consumers Union and a leading expert on potential health risks of genetically modified foods says, “ Combining many GM traits together can give rise to unintended effects which could adversely affect health, such as creating new allergies or toxins or exacerbating existing allergies”
For instance, in 2001 a genetically modified corn known as StarLink that carried insecticide toxins, so it can be insect resistant, was approved for animal feed but not for human consumption because of possible food allergies. And consequently, when Star Link accidentally contaminated the US food supply, it resulted in hundreds of people suffering from various allergic reactions.
Here are more studies and evidences of potential health hazards posed by these GM seeds:
“Death by multiple poisoning, glyphosate and Roundup (Monsanto)” - Ho MW and Cherry B. Science in Society 42, 14, 2009.
“Glyphosate-based herbicides are toxic and endocrine disruptors in human cell lines” - Gasnier C, Dumont C, Benachour N, Clair E, Chagnon M-C, and Séralini G-E. Toxicology 2009, 262, 184-91.
In January 2009, the European Parliament approved a ban on glufosinate herbicide (a common toxic herbicide used on GM crops).
So, knowing what happened in the past, it would make sense for us to deduce, that if one genetically modified insecticide toxin trait can cause food allergies (in humans), then six insecticidal toxins found in Smart Stax corn, would significantly increase the incidence of food allergies as well as posing higher risks for other potential health problems…right?
So why is GM seeds like Smart Stax being approved?
In fact, Monsanto and Dow are predicting that SmartStax will be the largest commercial launch of a single GM corn. It’s expected to replace most of the existing GM corn varieties on the market today. Since Monsanto is launching this new product from existing patented traits that they own, they can charge famers up to 42 percent more! And the more they “stack” different patented genes onto it, the more they can charge! And on top of all this, the USDA (which many of their executives read like the who’s who of former Monsanto executives) has given financial incentive by reducing the premium reduction in the cost of crop insurance for farmers growing SmartStax corn.
If all goes as planned, Smart Stax will be in everything we consume, and once again we as consumers won’t even know it.
So if you can’t trust our government agencies that’s supposed to be protecting the interest of the common people and not the corporate conglomerates, who can we trust? The answer is YOU the consumer! You have the power to make or break a company…even as large as Monsanto. A little knowledge can go a long way…so here’s a few simple tips to help you avoid buying GM foods to help protect your health and consumer rights.
First, eliminate all processed foods, or at least minimize it as much as possible. Unfortunately, it’s pretty safe to assume that every time you consume processed or packaged foods, that you’re eating some genetically modified foods. So, the best way to ensure that you aren’t putting any toxic pesticide or herbicide into your body, is not to eat any processed or packaged foods.
Second, buy from your local farmers as often as possible. You may have to go out of your way a little and the price may be higher but it’s worth it. Supporting your local farmers will help dictate the future of our food industry and protect our right to consume natural foods, free of harmful chemicals.
Third, try and go organic but be careful about the source and origins. Read the label…even if it says organic.
Here’s a little video clip of ABC I-team news about Whole Foods “So Called Organic” Foods.
Sad, I know…this whole organic movement has large corporations seeing big dollar signs and have jumped on board the organic bandwagon, which has unfortunately tainted the term “organic”. As the video suggests, it’s hard to trust the any stamp of approval, even the “USDA” Organic Certified.
But on a positive note, there are many trustworthy local farmers, both organic and conventional, that really do care about the foods that they provide. They take pride in their work and products, and I think it’s worth the extra effort to find them in your area and support them by buying locally, both for your health and our future.
What do you think about the stronghold Monsanto and other conglomerates have on the global seed industry?
Did you know that your were consuming genetically modified foods?
I’d love to know what you think about it. Share your thoughts below.