This Unique Food Boosts Weight Loss

Shin Ohtake
Fitness & Fat-Loss Coach
So, what’s the answer to successful weight loss? Is there a way to quickly lose the weight and keep it off?
The quick answer is lifestyle change… and no.
Listen, you and I know that there is no quick solution to weight loss… and if someone’s telling you differently… they’re lying.
If you want to lose weight, get lean, fit and healthy… you need to change your lifestyle. First by changing your diet and then by including regular exercise into your life.
Now keep in mind that these changes may not have to be big. You may only need take a little tweak here and there to get things dialed in… especially if you’re eating decently well and are fairly active already. However, those last 10 pounds or so that can be a real challenge… and sometimes a little help can go a long way.
So, if you’ve made changes to your diet and you’re exercising on a regularly basis, but can’t seem to get those last few pesky pounds off… glucomannan may be just what you need to help you get over that last hump.
What Heck Is Glucomannan?
Most people have never heard of this supplement before, but it is gaining popularity because it is effective. Glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fiber that is completely natural. It is extracted from plant konjac, specifically the root of the plant. Konjac has been a part of traditional Japanese cuisine for centuries, mainly due to it’s health benefits.
Although konjac is not a popular food in other countries, the active ingredient of konjac - glucomannan can be taken as a fiber supplement. Glucomannan is an effective dietary soluble fiber, because it absorbs water very effectively to produce a viscous bulking agent that helps you feel full to reduce the likelihood of over eating and snacking. To help illustrate how effective glucomannan is at absorbing water, a single capsule of glucomannan can be opened and emptied into a glass of water, and the entire glass of water will turn into a gel like consistency. Another benefit of glucomannan is that it boosts “good” bacteria in your intestinal tract promoting a healthy gut which is essential for optimal health, along with effective weight loss.
Balancing Blood Sugar Levels to Boost Weight Loss
Since glucomannan is an effective dietary soluble fiber, it helps slow glucose absorption. Even when you eat foods high in simple carbs like bread and pasta, if you combine it with an effective dietary fiber like glucomannan, it will help slow down sugar absorption and keep insulin from spiking. Since insulin is responsible for storing fat, keeping insulin low is key to effective weight loss. For this reason, glucomannan has shown to be a very effective weight loss supplement.
How to Use Glucomannan for Weight Loss
If you’re using this glucomannan for weight loss, take 1 dosage with each meal: 3 times per day. Because glucomannan can absorb so much water, it’s real important that you follow the recommended dosage amounts, because it could potentially be harmful to your health if it’s used incorrectly. You definitely don’t want to over this!!
Take the supplement capsule, and then be sure to wash it down with 1 or 2 large glasses of water. By drinking the water immediately after using the supplement, you’re providing the water to be absorbed into the glucomannan fiber, so it can produce the viscous bulking agent to help you feel full and satisfied.
Although glucomannan is an effective weight loss supplement…it shouldn’t be looked at as a long term solution. You need to eat the right foods and exercise the right way in order to effectively burn fat and lose weight permanently. This means avoiding refined sugar from foods like bread, pasta and sugary drinks as well as other processed junk foods. This is KEY! And combine that with the right type of exercise fit for you. Personally, I like short high intensity exercises that can be done in 20 - 30 minutes. You can do these workouts 2 - 5 times a week, depending on your fitness level. Doing this type of workout is the most effective way to reprogram your body into becoming an efficient fat burner. This way you can rely on your body to naturally burn off fat and not have to depend on any supplements for the long term.