First it’s corn, and now a genetically modified…animal?

Shin Ohtake
Fitness & Fat-Loss Coach
A biotech company Aqua Bounty Technologies from Massachusetts has bioengineered the “AquAdvantage salmon”. Aqua Bounty successfully combined the DNA of an Atlantic salmon, the anti-freeze genes of an eelpout and the growth hormone genes from a Pacific salmon to create an engineered salmon that grows to full size in half the time as a natural salmon. Apparently, the enormous growth rate is due to the never ending growth hormone production, which is only produced a few month out of the year in normal salmon.
Is bigger, faster…better?
Aqua Bounty claims that the fish is completely safe for human consumption and if approved it will dramatically help the environment by reducing the ever growing problem of over-fishing. Even though that may sound like a fair claim, there’s much to be weighed out.
First and foremost, what’s the long term health effects to humans. Unfortunately, we probably won’t know until it’s too late. The FDA has unofficially been using us (the consumers) as part of a long term trial experiment for every other GMO products…so why would it change now? But the stakes seem to be getting higher as these food companies are now developing genetically modified animals for consumption. As consumer options start to dwindle further, it’s going to be even tougher for us to choose natural foods that we know are safe to consume.
Secondly, there is a big potential risk that some of these GMO salmon will escape into the ocean. A study by Muir and Howard at Purdue University found that only 60 genetically modified salmon would be needed to potentially drive the entire wild salmon population to extinction. Once the genetically engineered salmon escapes into the ocean it would quickly win the battle over food against the wild salmon and once it starts to interbreed with the wild salmon, it would wipe out the entire population of wild salmons.
That being said, Mr. Stotish the chief executive of Aqua Bounty claims that the fish will only be raised in inland tanks and other contained facilities thereby eliminating any concerns that the engineered salmon could escape into the ocean. Mr. Stotish also stated that the fish would all be female and sterile, which would make interbreeding impossible.
Another concern is the labeling of genetically modified foods. In the past, the government has opposed mandatory labeling of genetically modified foods. They claim that it’s not necessary as long the nutritional properties and other characteristics stay the same. And the rules may apply to GM fish as well. Although he’s not opposed to labeling, according to Mr. Stotish the AquAdvantage salmon is identical in every way to the wild salmon relative, which may negate any reasons for labeling. The FDA has yet to make any decision on the matter.
And here’s another big concern…the approval process of FDA for genetically modified animals. In 2008 a policy was passed that basically allows FDA to determine whether the GM animals are approved or denied using the same rules they use to approve or deny veterinary drugs. So according to the FDA, veterinary drugs are the same as genetically modified foods…which is completely absurd. But it gets worse. The approval process of new drugs has to be kept confidential, which means that we the public, who are the consumers of the food, is not privy to the data of the study. Another ding on our consumer rights.
Lastly, an approval of the AquAdvantage salmon would surely open Pandora’s box for more genetically modified animal foods to come on the market. Apparently Aqua Bounty already has genetically modified trout and tilapia as well, and it would only be matter of time before we see those on the market if the GM salmon is approved. There’s also report that genetically modified cows, known as “enviro-pigs” are already in the works as we speak.
Now, I don’t know about you, but this concerns me quite a bit. Knowing how food intricately affects our body, I’m afraid that genetically modified foods will further put negative strain on it. It’s difficult as is to get natural foods that’s not treated with herbicides, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics…and now we have to deal with trying to find foods that aren’t genetically engineered. I feel that nothing good ever has come from ingesting foods manufactured, process and refined and I can’t see how genetically modified foods will be any different. As consumers it’s important that we stand up against these companies and let them know that we still have the power to choose and we won’t stand for anything that compromises our health and well being.
What are your thoughts on GM foods?
Do you think GM foods will have a negative impact on your health?
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