3 Ways To Deal With Sweets

Shin Ohtake
Fitness & Fat-Loss Coach
Just when I thought I’d heard all the negative effects carbs have on our bodies, a new study reveals more bad news…
A recent study has revealed that after we eat, we naturally produce free-radicals that damage our appetite-suppressing cells. However, when we eat meals “high in carbs”, these free radicals turn Hulk like and wreak even more havoc on the cells responsible for sending out signals that tell us we’re full. It makes sense though. I know the more sugar I eat the more sugar I want, which is exactly why I stopped getting the Girl Scout chocolate mint cookies. Talk about self control! I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been able to eat just one cookie.
The study also points out that people between ages of 25 - 50 years old are the most susceptible, which may be one reason for the increased incidence of adult-onset obesity.
I’m a believer in the 80/20 principle and that goes for diet as well. Although that being said if you really want to burn fat and get lean as quickly as possible, you’d be better off sticking to something closer to 90/10. But either way, sticking to a well balanced diet while giving yourself some wiggle room for small indulgence is key to long term success. That being said it’s important to keep in mind that not all foods have the same impact on your body. For instance eating too much protein won’t have much negative effect on your body compared to over consuming carbohydrates. In fact, out of all foods, carbohydrates have the biggest impact on your insulin and maintaining a steady insulin level is essential if you want to achieve (or maintain) a healthy lean and fit body. Just something to keep in mind, next time you’re thinking about eating a fresh hot donut…and just maybe there’s something a little less decadent but can still satisfy your sweet tooth? Seriously…who am I kidding right? if you can’t stay away from donuts, cake or any other super sugary sweetness here’s a list of things that you can do…at least to keep your insulin form spiking off the charts! BTW, let me be perfectly clear that this is not to be done on a regular basis. These tips are for “very occasional” indulgences!
First If you’re going to eat something that’s sweet and starchy the only way to keep your insulin from spiking immediately is fiber. If you eat enough fiber with your sweets you can actually moderate your insulin spike. So have a glass of soluble fiber (ie. Metamucil) along with the food or just before you have it.
Second Not all sweets are created equal. For instance stevia is hundreds of times sweeter than sugar and it has little effect on insulin! The only drawback is taste…some are fine with it while other can’t seem to get passed it.
Third If you’re going to have sweets it’s best to do it after a hard workout, when you’re body is in a state of glycogen depletion. This way the sugar gets taken up by your muscles first and helps minimize insulin spike.
So there you have it. Controlling your carb intake is always better, but in certain situation when your sweet tooth overwhelms you…these tips can come in handy to keep your sweet tooth from derailing you too far off your dietary course.