
Simple Exercises To Undo Low Back Pain From Sitting

Simple Exercises To Undo Low Back Pain From Sitting

I was reminded the other day about how long we sit throughout the day. It’s kind of crazy if you think about it, but the vast majority us sit…A LOT!

Shin Ohtake
Shin Ohtake

Fitness & Fat-Loss Coach

low back pain from sitting
low back pain from sitting
low back pain from sitting

We sit at work, we sit while we travel to work and again back home.  We sit while we eat, we sit to read, we sit to relax and watch TV.  In fact, the only time we’re not sitting for a long period of time is when we sleep.  It’s no wonder so many of us have back pain!  Our body is NOT made to sit for that long.  Our spines are optimized for standing, walking and moving around.

Lately, I’ve seen a huge gain in popularity for standing desks.  Which is definitely very helpful.  I have a standing desk myself and use it majority of the day when I work.  The only issue I have is that it gets a little tiring standing, so you constantly have to shift your weight from one leg to another…which isn’t a bad thing since movement helpful.  It’s movement that allows blood to flow into the discs of your spine and keep it healthy.  But what’s even better than the stand up desk for your back health is the treadmill desk. improvement from sitting, but the problem is you’re still not moving.

Yep…you heard it right.  Walk and work!

I haven’t tried it myself but it’s a great concept.  Studies have shown that walking improves brain function, and that’s not surprising…I often have my best “brain storming” sessions when I walk.  Although I’m not sure how effectively I can walk and type, if that’s not a problem, I can see why using treadmill desk would be very beneficial.

But I know most people won’t have access to a walking desk, so you’ll likely be stuck sitting for most of the day.  However, there are a few simple, yet very effective exercises you can do using a suspension trainer that wakes up your “dormant muscles” (glutes and hamstrings) and stretches out your “shortened muscles” (hip flexors) to undo the adverse effects of sitting for a long time and restore your low back health.

Along with strengthening your hamstrings and glutes, make sure that you also strengthen your entire body as well.  And the best way to do this, is by doing full body functional exercises.  These exercise stimulate muscles in your entire body, so you can strengthen your core and mobilize all of your joints at the same time.  It also happens to be the most effective way to burn fat and get lean as well.  This is why I only use full body exercises on the club, to make sure that you get the most out of each exercise and workout, so you can build a lean, strong and muscularly balanced body.

Shin Ohtake

Creator of Max Workouts

Shin Ohtake

Creator of Max Workouts

Shin Ohtake

Creator of Max Workouts

Shin Ohtake's unconventional, no-nonsense approach to fitness & fat loss has made him the go-to source for fitness enthusiasts and trainers alike. His world-famous fitness program, Max Workouts, has transformed and reshaped the bodies of thousands of people in over 150 countries - without requiring hours in the gym.

Shin Ohtake's unconventional, no-nonsense approach to fitness & fat loss has made him the go-to source for fitness enthusiasts and trainers alike. His world-famous fitness program, Max Workouts, has transformed and reshaped the bodies of thousands of people in over 150 countries - without requiring hours in the gym.

Shin Ohtake's unconventional, no-nonsense approach to fitness & fat loss has made him the go-to source for fitness enthusiasts and trainers alike. His world-famous fitness program, Max Workouts, has transformed and reshaped the bodies of thousands of people in over 150 countries - without requiring hours in the gym.

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