The #1 Exercise Habit That You Must Do Daily

Shin Ohtake
Fitness & Fat-Loss Coach
The exercise I’m talking about is walking!
Walking is one of my favorite exercises OF ALL TIME and by the end of this article I hope that I’ll you convinced that adding this into your daily routine by using the 3 basic walking tips below is a great idea.
The reason I like walking so much is because you can do it anywhere, anytime, and with zero equipment necessary. Here’s just a small list of the benefits you can get from a daily dose of walking:
Boosts Your Metabolism
Increases Blood Flow
Speeds Up Recovery Between Workouts
Strengthens Your Heart, Feet And Joints
Pumps Lymph Fluids Which Helps Detoxify Your Body Faster
Helps To Improve Your Posture (Way Better The Sitting)
Provides A Sense Of Mental Clarity
Gives You The Opportunity To Get Fresh Air And Sunshine (Weather Permitting)
And So Much More!
So… as you can see, walking is not only the best exercise you should be doing daily, it’s also critical to your health and longevity. In fact, many people who become to sedentary from sitting, office work and general lack of activity can eventually lose the ability to walk which can be absolutely detrimental to your health!
The reason I believe that walking is something you want to do daily is because it’s perhaps one of the most natural movements we as humans can do with our bodies, and for good reason! After all… it’s how we used to get from place to place, right?
Our bodies were built to walk daily and yet people these days walk less and less each year. This general downward trend of walking can be easily viewed as one of the major reasons for an increase in obesity and illness that we’ve been seeing since the advent of the information age.
In fact, did you know that the average nomadic tribesman walks an average of 12,000 steps per day and runs in short bursts another 1,000 steps. That’s 13,000 steps per day, and some estimates come in even higher at closer to 20,000 steps per day!
Compare that to the shocking reality that the average American’s is only taking 5,117 daily steps!
Do you see where I am going with this?
Walking is one of the best overall exercises ever, and there’s a good chance you’re missing out on the many benefits that walking daily can do for you. However…
This is easily fixed if you make a daily habit out of doing one or all of the following 3 things to boost the amount of steps you take daily. As I said above, if you do this, you’ll lower your stress, recover faster from your workouts, and best of all—walking will accelerate your fat loss results!
Here’s the 3 tips to build a habit out of walking more…
Just go out and take a 20 minute walk. You don’t have to power-walk. A casual stroll with your family or friends will do just fine. If 20 minutes is too much, start with 10 and work your way up in 2 minutes increments each week until you’ve built the habit of going on a daily 30-minute walk.
A great time to do this is on your lunch break at work, first thing in the morning or in the evening before you wind down to go to bed. However, don’t use schedule as a barrier, just do some walking daily even if it’s just around the house while your doing house work.
One of the best ways to get more walking in is to park at the back of the parking lot. If you always hunt for the prime parking spot, not only will you waste time, you’ll miss a valuable opportunity to take a few extra steps.
People often spend 2-4 minutes looking for the best spot instead of just parking in the back when they arrive and walking to the door faster than they could have found a spot up front. Park in the back to save time and get in some extra steps!
Walk after every meal. The Chinese have a saying, “He who walks 100 steps after every meal will live to be 100.” While this may or may not be true, walking after meals increases digestion which will help your body in numerous positive ways!
Walk after breakfast, after lunch or after dinner and you’ll notice a difference in how your body feels. You should feel cleaner and leaner if you add this into your life.
Finally… remember that just like working out, you aren’t gonna notice a difference from walking if you aren’t consistent. Add walking to your daily to do list, schedule it in your calendar if need be so you can reap the many benefits that walking can provide you with!