The superfood that reduces fat absorption by 75%

Shin Ohtake
Fitness & Fat-Loss Coach
Even though majority of the products out in the market today are just as effective as taking a sugar pill…these companies are smart, savvy and know exactly how to take advantage of people’s weaknesses and desires.
The weight loss supplement companies are used to taking the benefits of one or two active ingredient(s) from naturally occurring plants and vegetation and packaging it into pills and powders.
The problem is there is no standard level of quality when it comes to supplements in the US. There is no third party quality control agencies that exists to make sure that you’re getting what’s stated in the label. So you never really know what you’re consuming and more often than not the pill being marketed is probably 99% filler.
This is why the recently published study from Newcastle University, is quite significant.
The research done is funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Scientific Research Council which strictly adheres to a new regulations set out by the European Food Safety Authority, which states that any health claims made on food label should be substantiated by scientific evidence.
“There are countless claims about miracle cures for weight loss, but only a few cases offer any sound scientific evidence to back up these claims” Dr. Brownlee.
A team of scientists led by Dr Iain Brownlee and Prof Jeff Pearson have found that an active ingredient from sea kelp (a common seaweed) can reduce fat absorption by your body by more than 75 percent!
Sea kelp is already one of the world’s largest commercially used seaweed, which means that it’s readily bioavailable.
The active ingredient found in sea kelp is a natural fiber known as alginate. It’s a soluble fiber that halts digestion of fat. The study reveals that this natural fiber is far more effective than any of the treatments currently being used for obese patients.
“Alginates are already commonly used at a very low level in many foods as thickeners and stabilisers and when added to bread as part of a blind taste test, Dr Brownlee said the alginate bread actually scored higher for texture and richness than a standard white loaf.” “Obesity is an ever-growing problem and many people find it difficult to stick to diet and exercise plans in order to lose weight,” explained Dr Brownlee. “Alginates not only have great potential for weight management - adding them to food also has the added advantage of boosting overall fibre content.”
Dr Brownlee adds: “These initial findings suggest alginates could offer a very real solution in the battle against obesity.”
I understand that the scientists are excited about the possible benefits it will have on obese patients. BUT…isn’t the consumption of white bread and other “white” refined processed foods one of the biggest reasons why people are overweight to begin with?
Discovering new health benefits of existing foods or even unknown ones is great…if you already have healthy eating habits. Unfortunately, I feel that the health benefits discovered by some of these studies are taken and manipulated (and not for the greater good), which just perpetuates the vicious cycle of our current health dilemma. Here’s a few issues I had with this published study.
Adding alginate, the super fiber, into refined simple carbohydrates like white bread, pasta, potatoes and white rice isn’t going to solve anything. It’s just going to deepen the problem at hand.
The fact that it absorbs 75% of fat is quite remarkable…but I have a few problems with this blanket statement. It groups all fat into one big category. There’s good fat and bad fat. Bad fat should be avoided, but good fat is essential for your health and it aids in effective weight loss!
Also, if you’re eating a diet that requires you to absorb 75% of fat, don’t you think that there’s a much larger underlying problem?
And although this particular study is about the benefits of sea kelp and it’s active ingredient, alginate, and it’s ability to absorb dietary fat: I feel that this study puts the emphasis back on fat rather than sugar, when it comes tackling the underlying cause of obesity. Overconsumption of simple carbohydrates like refined flour, white rice, pasta and other processed foods which causes insulin insensitivity is the real culprit of obesity. (...just my two cents worth…)
At this point, I think it’s also worth noting that all soluble dietary fibers absorb fat; albeit, perhaps not as as much as this ultra fat absorbing seaweed. So, in theory, if you ate foods high in fat along with copious amounts of food high in dietary (soluble) fiber, it would absorb much of the dietary fat you just ate. The problem is dietary fiber is pretty much non-existent in most people’s diets.
So as you can see having fiber is essential to a healthy diet. And since it’s often overlooked, I thought it would give you a little overview and some surprising facts about fiber that you probably didn’t know…but should.
There are two types of dietary fibers: soluble and insoluble fibers and each one has different functions and benefits as listed below.
Soluble fiber:
Binds to fatty acids (absorbs fat)
Prolongs stomach emptying time thereby slowing down the absorption and uptake of sugar
Lowers LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol)
Insoluble fiber:
Promotes regularity and bowel movement
Controls the PH level in your intestine
Removes toxic waste quicker
Help prevents colon cancer by maintaining an optimal pH level in your intestines
Foods high in dietary fibers usually contain both soluble and insoluble ones.
Here’s a list of some common foods (high in fiber) below:
Dark green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, kale, swiss chard, brussel sprouts etc.)
Root vegetables (carrots, parsnip, radish, turnip, rutabaga, beets etc.)
Fruits (especially with skin such as apples, pear, kiwi, oranges etc.)
Unrefined whole grains (barley, bran, oats, buckwheat, etc.)
Legumes (black beans, chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans etc.)
Nuts (brazilian nuts, almonds, hazelnuts etc.)
Seeds (flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds etc.)
So as you can see, if you have a well balanced diet that consists of raw fruits, raw or slightly cooked vegetables along with some unrefined whole grains, legumes and some nuts or seeds, you should be getting plenty of dietary fibers to keep you bowel movements regular, keep your intestine healthy and absorb plenty of dietary fat…if needed.
Now that being said, seaweed provides unique health benefits as well. Since it’s an algae, it’s unique to the aquatic ecosystem and has completely different characteristics than foods grown on earth. Here are some of the health benefits listed below:
Beta-Carotene: Algae is known to have a high concentration of beta-carotene, that helps fight some serious diseases.
Antioxidant: Full of antioxidants, algae help neutralize free radicals.
Better Digestion: It is known to help in easy bowel movements, reducing strains in the abdomen muscles.
Protein: Algae is considered a complete source of protein, and helps the growth of hair, skin and nails.
Immunity Booster: Algae contains immune boosting and stimulating properties.
Spirulina (blue-green algae) is a great source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). GLA has many anti-inflammatory properties and are often used to treat serious inflammatory diseases like eczema, psoriasis and even rheumatoid arthritis.
Stabilize blood sugar levels: Algae is known to help to stabilize blood sugar levels in people with high or low blood sugar.
Controls appetite: The amino acids present in algae are known to influence neurotransmitters in the brain that control appetite.
Alkaline Food: Algae is considered a natural source of alkaline (basic) food. (Diets high in alkaline foods are much more healthy than diets based on acidic foods)
If you’re curious and want to explore the full benefits of algae, start by including seaweed into your diet. And if you’re not a fan of the taste or texture, you can always opt for supplements. Just be sure to read up on the company first, to ensure that it’s trustworthy.
Lastly, no matter how good your diet is or how potent of a fat absorber this seaweed is…in order to achieve optimal health and maximize your fat burning capabilities, you have to combine it with exercise. Eating well and exercising goes hand in hand. You need both pieces to unlock the weight loss secret.
So while the supplement companies tirelessly keep pushing the latest and greatest wonder solution in a pill…just makes sure that you’ve build a solid foundation of healthy eating and exercising before you start supplementing.
Did you ever think seaweed had such an effect?
Do you get enough fiber in your diet and if not how can you change it?
What do you think about the article? I’d love to know your thoughts, so please post your comments below.