The Unusual Method That Gets Rid Of Cellulite And Boosts Overall Health

Shin Ohtake
Fitness & Fat-Loss Coach
Most people are completely surprised to hear that dry brushing does anything more than rubbing your skin raw!! But it’s been shown to effectively help improve your health.
Why is Dry Brushing So Good For Your Health?
First of all, keep in mind that your skin is the largest organ in the body… and your skin plays an integral part in the elimination processes of waste and detoxification.
It’s estimated that the skin contains over 30% of the blood that’s circulating through the body. As the blood passes through the skin, the body has the opportunity to pick up waste from the blood and eliminate it through the skin. So, if you want to boost your body’s ability to get rid of toxins and waste, you want to make sure that you’re optimizing the health of your skin.
Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing
Here are a few ways in which dry skin brushing can improve your health:
Cellulite Reduction: One of the most common reasons to dry brush the skin is to reduce the appearance of cellulite. When cellulite is present, it means that toxic material has gathered in the fat cells within your body, and collected near the surface of the skin. By dry brushing, you can encourage the body to break down those toxins and eliminate them.
Reduce Skin Breakouts: If you experience body acne, then dry brushing should be a part of your daily routine. When the skin is brushed it helps eliminate clogged pores and your skin can also absorb nutrients more effectively. As the clogged pores are reduced, you will also notice that your acne breakouts decrease.
Evenly Distribute Fat Deposits: It is common to have certain parts of your body that tend to store fat a little more than others. Dry skin brushing helps to distribute fat evenly throughout the body, and makes it easier to see the muscle tone that was hiding underneath the fat.
Circulation and Lymph Drainage: The motion of the brushing encourages good circulatory patterns in the body, and it also stimulates the drainage of lymph. The body is able to release toxins more efficiently, making it easier for these fluids to flow throughout the body.
Better Skin Tone: Dry brushing helps eliminate dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. As these dead skin cells are removed, it encourages the growth of new skin cells so that the skin can renew. As a result, the skin is healthier and smoother, with an improved appearance overall.
How To Do Dry Skin Brushing at Home
If you want to try dry brushing, make sure that you buy a brush that has natural bristles, instead of a brush made of synthetic or nylon materials. It is also helpful to have a long handle on the brush, so that you can move it across hard-to-reach areas of the body.
Dry brushing should be done before you get in the shower or bath tub. Gently move the brush along the surface of the skin, making sure that the strokes are moving in an upward motion.
It is best to start at the bottom of your body and move everything towards your heart. So, begin brushing your ankles and calves, and slowly move your way up through the body. This direction is beneficial for lymph drainage, because the lymph naturally flows toward the heart. Brushing the in same direction stimulates the natural movement within the body.
Carefully move through each section of your body, paying extra attention to locations that are storing extra fat. Once you have brushed your whole body, you can step into the shower to rinse off the dead skin cells and any other impurities that might have surfaced.
If you really want to reduce the appearance of cellulite, in addition to dry skin brushing you should also reduce your sugar intake and include short intense exercise into your weekly routine as well. Sugar is the biggest contributor of fat, inflammation and aging… so eliminating sugar is an effective way to promote more youthful and smooth skin. And science has proven that doing short high intensity exercises effectively triggers the release of youth enhancing growth hormones, which helps promote a more youthful skin and muscle tone.