This Olympic Lift Alternative Triggers FLOOD of Fat Burning Effects (without the Risk of Injury)

Shin Ohtake
Fitness & Fat-Loss Coach
There are two big, complex, “classic” lifts that are staples of weightlifting:
Clean and Jerk and the snatch.
When people talk “Olympic lifts,” these are the two big moves their mentioning. These complex lifts recruit a ton of muscles, require short bursts of power, and are amazing for triggering growth hormone production. Structure a workout correctly with these lifts and they can send your metabolism into EPOC, melting away extra calories and fat long after a workout is over.
Trouble is, Olympic lifts require solid technique, you already have to be strong to do them, and you need to have excellent mobility. Plus, you need the right equipment (and it helps to have a trainer right there to make sure you’re not going to hurt yourself).
That’s why I recommend movements like this instead…
I call this the “Reverse Lunge to Single Arm and High Pulls.”
Take a look:
This exercise is similar to the “Reverse Lunge to Single Arm & Leg Press Up” I shared with you a while back. If you missed the exercise video, you can find it right here. That movement also focuses on tempo and power.
These movements are great alternatives to some of the Olympic lift exercises where technique can be a big hurdle.
Since this exercise is relatively simple and easy to perform, you don’t need to worry too much about technique, which allows you to really focus on generating speed and power. Really focus on pulling the dumbbell up and driving the leg up at the same time.
You should be able to create a good tempo doing this exercise.
Quick Workout Recommendation Using this Exercise:
For a quick and powerful workout, try doing 6 to 8 reps per side. Rest 30 seconds to 1 minute after performing the suggested number of reps for each arm/leg.
Repeat for a total of 5 - 7 sets.
Why Exercises Like this Work So Well for Fat Loss:
When you build exercises like the Reverse Lunge to Arm and High Pulls into your workouts, you can recruit a lot of muscles and produce short bursts of power that create an energy deficit in your body.
That deficit is a good thing…
Because as your body recovers from the deficit, it goes through a process called EPOC.
EPOC is “Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption” and it’s when your body uses MORE energy than normal after your workout is over. Basically, during EPOC, your metabolism burns more calories than normal while you are resting. All of those extra calories burned from EPOC add up.
Structure your workouts correctly and you can ride this wave of extra calorie burn to significant stubborn fat loss.
Super short, powerful movements like this can also trigger growth hormone production. I call growth hormone our “youth hormone” because after age 30, our bodies produce less and less of it.
If you want to find out how to structure workouts so you can help trigger EPOC, skyrocket growth hormone production and get lean in less time, hit the red button on the bottom of this page.